ss_blog_claim=b2c8801cecb8aefe7201c97184ef9ab3 C++ Community of PSMZA: Assigment 2 [SIT2-S2]

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Assigment 2 [SIT2-S2]

Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Terengganu

Jabatan Tek. Maklumat & Kom.

F2010 – C++ Programming

Topic: Array&Pointer.

Finds 1 programme
C++ code using:

1. Array with 1 & 2 matra.

2. Pointer.

3. Explains how the code execution & output for question 1 & 2.

* need reference books or Web URL[5marks].
* submit next Sunday.
* no xerox activity!!

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