ss_blog_claim=b2c8801cecb8aefe7201c97184ef9ab3 C++ Community of PSMZA: Assigment 1a - Selection Structure

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Assigment 1a - Selection Structure

Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Terengganu

Jabatan Tek. Maklumat & Kom.

F2010 – C++ Programming

Read :

From output below, write the C++ programme.


Enter your option 1, 2, or 3: 1

You entered option 1

Press any key to continue

Output 2:

Panjang : 10

Lebar : 5

Luas : 50

Press any key to continue

Output 3:

Masukkan umur anda (tahun) : 28

Anda Dewasa

Press any key to continue